The Best Ways to Get Help for Your EFT Business

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Hey Enlightened Tapper!

I hope that you have found the EFT Business Breakthrough mini-course enlightening and a helpful road map for your success! 

(If you haven't had a chance to read it yet or missed any of the lessons, you can access the full mini-course here.)

So far you have learned about the critical importance of picking a niche or specialty for your EFT practice even though it can feel constrictive to limit yourself in that way.

You have also learned about all of the steps of an effective Sales Funnel that are needed to have a successful EFT practice.

Finally, you learned about an exciting way that you can dramatically speed up your success or take your EFT business to a new level by using the power of Internet Launches.

And it all may be feeling a bit overwhelming at this point!

The truth is, we all need help to have a really successful business. So what are the different options for getting help?

Recorded Group Programs

One of the most common ways to get help is to sign up for a pre-recorded group program that teaches you the principles of having a successful business. 

They are basically similar to this mini-course but in the form of audios or videos that go into more detail than the mini-course.

These recorded group programs are usually designed to run for 6 to 8 weeks.


Recorded group programs are the least expensive option at around $2,000.


There are a lot of challenges with these recorded programs. The biggest ones are that they don't run for very long and you have to go through the program alone. 

It is often the case that people sign up for these programs and don't finish them. (I actually bought a $2,000 program a few years ago and to this day I haven't touched it!)

Even if you have the discipline to go through the program, you are left mostly on your own without personal attention, feedback, guidance or support.

For instance, you go through one of the modules on picking your niche but get no feedback as to whether or not you picked a good one.

This is true with each of the modules that you try to do on your own. People do get some benefit from these programs, but applying the principles successfully to your EFT business on your own can be tough.

Live Group Programs

An alternative to recorded group programs is to sign up for a live group program so that you can get some personal help.

Live group business programs usually run for a full year instead of only 6 to 8 weeks, so they can go even more in depth.

Live group programs consist of group trainings every other week, and depending on the cost, may include some amount of 1-on-1 coaching as well. 


A year long program is a more realistic time to learn how to set up a successful business than 6 to 8 weeks.

There's more opportunity to get some amount of personal help from the coaches,  depending on how many private sessions are included.

You will also be able to get some feedback from other members participating in the group.


The biggest disadvantage is the cost. Live group programs tend to run anywhere from $10,000 to $35,000 depending on the leader and how much private coaching is included.

I attended one of these year-long group programs that had the following options:

  • Silver: $10,000 for the year including 4 sessions with one of the general coaching staff
  • Gold: $16,000 for the year including 11 once-a-month sessions with a senior coach
  • Platinum: $25,000 for the year including 11 once-a-month sessions with the leader of the program

I did the Platinum option for $25,000 when I took the program.

The group trainings were helpful, but the greatest benefit that I got was from my monthly 1-on-1 sessions with the leader of the program.

After taking the program, I noticed that most of the people in the Silver option were still struggling a lot with their business by the end of the year without the support of monthly 1-on-1 sessions.

I also noticed that the Gold and Platinum people were further along in their business but most were not done by the end of the year.

Unfortunately, the group program ended so they were out of time. One year was not enough, and the only option was to sign up for a whole other year if they wanted more help, which is quite pricey.

They may only have needed 3 more months of help, but that wasn't an option. The length of live group programs don't necessarily match the needs of the participants.

One-on-One Private Coaching

The final option is 1-on-1 private coaching.

In my program I provide two 1-on-1 coaching sessions per month plus the support material you need to succeed.

Now that you have done the EFT Business Breakthrough Mini-Course, the next step is getting expert guidance and feedback on implementing the strategies that are going to help you have a thriving EFT practice!


With my private EFT business coaching, you get:

  • Twice as many monthly 1-on-1 coaching sessions than in the Gold and Platinum levels of live group programs.
  • Expert guidance, feedback and support for your EFT business...every step of the way.
  • Your coaching lasts exactly as many months as you need to succeed - no more, no less.

Also, as a successful, 6-figure EFT practitioner, I am uniquely attuned to the special marketing needs of EFT practitioners, which are different from ordinary businesses.

Disadvantages? What about cost?

You might think that private coaching would be more expensive than the group coaching options.

However, in my case, a full year of private EFT business coaching, with double the number of monthly 1-on-1 sessions...costs significantly less than the cheapest of the group program options!

The Bottom Line...
You get more personal help,
for exactly as long as you need it,
and you save money...

Personal EFT Business Mentoring

Make sure that you thrive in your EFT Business...

I provide 1-on-1 EFT business mentoring to help you create an awesome sales funnel that represents your authentic voice and spirit, brings you a steady stream of your ideal clients, and takes your EFT business to the next level.

There are other business coaches out there, but they don't know the special needs of EFT practitioners.

I have created a 6-figure EFT practice, and I would love to help you have a similar level of success.

Imagine having a full practice of great clients whose lives you are helping transform in a dramatic way...

Imagine running group programs with 20 - 100 people in them...

Imagine developing EFT products that can help even more people and generate income while you sleep...

This is all possible! I know because I have done it myself.

Let's get this done together... 

It's going to be an exciting journey of discovery, finding your special identity as an EFT practitioner, and gracefully implementing all of the steps of your amazing sales funnel, one step at a time so that you can have the practice you dream of.

Click the button to contact me for a complimentary
20-Minute Discovery Session


Stefan Gonick

Create a Passionate & Profitable EFT Practice
Because You Care...and you Deserve to Thrive!