EFT Business Breakthrough Mini-Course: Lesson 1


There's nothing in this world like being an EFT practitioner!  It's such an incredible experience to be able to help people make dramatic changes in their lives in an amazingly short time.

Unfortunately, being successful in the business of being an EFT practitioner can feel much harder than helping people dramatically improve their lives!

Imagine Having the EFT Practice of Your Dreams...

Imagine having all that marketing stuff taken care of so that you can have an endless stream of your ideal clients flowing into your practice. Imagine all of the people you could help!

And imagine having a thriving practice that supports you financially. Making a 6-figure income as an EFT practitioner is very doable...

Your Road Map to Success

In this mini-course I am going to share with you the essential marketing road map that you will need in order to have a wonderful, thriving, successful EFT practice.

I will also talk about how you can go beyond a basic EFT practice and either fast track your success or jump into the big leagues (if you want).

This mini-course consists of 8 lessons that will be sent to you by email daily and read on this website. 

This mini-course is not marketing "fluff." It's going to be meaty. I think that you may be surprised with how much you'll get out of it.

Now, I understand that just thinking about learning all this marketing stuff may feel a little overwhelming, but consider this...

Marketing is a science
But it is not rocket science

Marketing is not some arcane skill only knowable by a few. Many EFT practitioners have learned how to successfully market their practice. You can too!

My Story

I remember when I first put out my shingle as a new EFT practitioner. It was SO exciting to think about how I was going to be able to help people transform their lives!

I also felt like a writer staring at a blank piece of paper with no idea of what to write...

I only had the vaguest ideas about how to market my new EFT practice. In the beginning I flailed around trying different things that I thought might help...

It was very slow going and frustrating for a long time. I was very grateful that I had another business to support me financially...otherwise, it would have been a lot more stressful!

I finally realized that I was not going to be able to figure things out for myself and started actively studying marketing.

This was something that I had been dreading doing because I thought that I would be really bad at it. 

I thought that you had to have a special talent for that kind of thing. However, I discovered that marketing is not rocket science.

Marketing is really about learning how to connect with people from a distance and showing that you can help them.

Over time, I actually started finding marketing really interesting and eventually even fun!

And finally I got 1-on-1 help to get the personal guidance and feedback that I needed for my EFT business to totally take off. 

And it paid off!

I was able to quit my well paying web programming business and completely support myself as an EFT practitioner.

In fact, I ultimately made more money as an EFT practitioner than I did as a programmer! And it has been infinitely more gratifying...

And now I want to give back. I want to help struggling EFT practitioners have their own thrilling and thriving EFT practice!

(And in MUCH less time than it originally took me...)

Who Am I to Be Helping You?

I have been an EFT practitioner since 2002, and I love helping my clients transform their lives. 

In addition to all of my training in EFT, I also have a Masters Degree in Computer Science and used to build advanced web sites for a living.

And, I spent 8 years intensively studying Internet marketing from the giants, which has lead me to having an income well into six figures.

I know what it takes to create a thriving EFT practice, and I'm passionate about helping you have one too!

Your EFT Business Breakthrough: Lesson 1

Okay, so let's jump in. It all begins with people who have a problem in their life who are trying to find someone to help them.

Who do they pick from all of the possibilities out there? This is where your marketing comes in.

As an EFT practitioner the goal of your marketing is to let people know that you exist and that you are the right person to help them with their problem.

Guiding Principles

To make things easier, I would like to start with the two highest level principles that will guide all your marketing:

  1. People only buy from people that they know, like, and trust.
  2. People will only work with you if they are also convinced that you can help them with their problem.

People need to know you as a person, like you as a person, trust that you are honest and reliable. And they need trust that you can help them with their problem.

If you keep these two guiding principles in mind, all the different pieces of marketing will start to make more sense!

Your EFT Marketing in a Nutshell...

From the highest bird's eye view perspective, marketing your EFT practice includes the following parts:

  1. Put yourself out there so that people know you exist and can "meet" you.
  2. Build a relationship with people in an authentic way to give them an opportunity to know, like and trust you.
  3. Communicate in a way that let's people know that you intimately understand their problem and can help them with it.

This is how to market your EFT practice in it's simplest nutshell. There's more to it than that, of course, but I wanted to start with this simple highest level overview so that you have an idea of where we will be going.

This will help you keep the big picture in mind while learning the rest of the details in this mini-course.

In lesson 2, we will talk about the #1 mistake that EFT practitioners make when first setting up their business that can sabotage their ultimate success and how to start out the right way.

If you have been an EFT practitioner for a while, this mistake may explain a big reason why you have been struggling...

The good news is that you can correct this mistake at any time and see a huge improvement in your business.

Stay tuned...


P.S. This is very important. The great majority of people who sign up for mini-courses don't read them!

People are too busy, overwhelmed, or have some subtle emotional block that interferes with them following through.

I invite you to feel how important having a thriving EFT practice is to you. 

Be in the special minority who actually follow through and take action. Read all of the lessons in this mini-course so that you can have the success you desire.

(You know what happens when you tell yourself, "I'll come back and read this later...")